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What is Domain Name & Hosting? Things every entrepreneur must know. Image

20 May

A website is your gateway to the world of Digital Marketing. In the modern world, every established company has a website. A website allows you to build trust with your customers and help convert prospective clients. You can't call and explain your ideas to everyone and your website helps you solve that problem. Domain and hosting are the two basic terms that everyone who plans to build a website must know.

Domain Name: The First Step

A domain name is the first step at building your website. It is essentially your address, like is our Domain Name. These can cost around ₹699 - ₹799. Unlike other things in this list, there are no varieties or quality levels in a domain name. Once you get a domain, irrespective of the provider, they work the same for the most part.

Domains are sold by companies like Hostinger, Cloudfare, Bluehost, GoDaddy and many more. Its best to take a website from a established company so that you don't run into troubles later. These need to be renewed yearly so be careful about that.

Even though all domains are the same, some do cost more than others and that is just because of the popularity of the words used. Sometimes, good domain names become available or new words become popular, the demand for these words can drive the price.

Additionally, many domain sellers will offer things like privacy protection and for most people, they are not worth the extra payment. One advice from us would be to always purchase your Domain Name yourself, even if you contract your website to a developer.

The DNS Settings is the section that serves as the control panel for your domain name. It is how you can control your website. It includes settings like Nameservers, MX Records, A Records, TXT Records and CNAME Records.

Hosting: The Website Key

This is the resource that actually holds your website content. Hosting is probably the most critical and yet overlooked part of websites. A bad hosting solution can make your website incredibly slow and limit the features you can put on it. If not secured properly, it can also compromise your data. However, a well configured and quality hosting solution can help users access your website anytime, and the speed helps improve search engine rankings. We advice do not go cheap on this as the downsides are many. Try taking a scalable & dedicated plan instead of opting for a managed and shared hosting. This is especially important for E-Commerce Websites.

A hosting is managed by a control panel and the layout and configuration varies from provider to provider. In conclusion, Domain & Hosting are just the starting steps in the world of web design. However, their impact is by far the greatest.

Tags: dns terms hosting