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Website Development in Kolkata | An In-Depth Guide Image

20 May

As the world becomes more and more digital with every passing moment, it becomes necessary for companies to ensure an effective digital presence. Even the grand old city, Kolkata can't be a stranger to this trend. Today, let's explore the domain of website development in Kolkata, with the unique perspectives & challenges the city brings. 

Why made in Kolkata?

An obvious question that comes up in the world of globalization is, why does one have to have a website development agency only in the city of their inhabitance? It isn't a physical good so why not get it made anywhere with the lowest price & highest quality?

Well, whether your objective is an informational website displaying your business or an e-commerce store, a website that truly represents your business has a better chance of communicating that to your customers in the long run. The perspectives, ideas & lingo that are inherent to geography are difficult to communicate elsewhere. 

We believe a website needs close coordination between the agency and their customers & while you want to transcend physical barriers with your web presence, the conception of that needs to be grounded in old school business ways. 

Lastly, having established relations in the city of your operations helps you further, with collaborations and ideas that go beyond the project at hand. 

Cyber Infrastructure Of Bengal 

As of 2021, the cyber infrastructure of Kolkata does not match its other metro peers. Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore & Chennai host massive data centres operated by industry giants like Amazon Web Services, Google Compute Cloud, Azure & Digital Ocean. Meanwhile, Kolkata only has a few edge locations and some small scale data centres.

This layout means that when you are developing a website for users in Bengal, you have to try to use technologies that make you closer to your users, not away. At Indraprastha, by managing our server instances on the cloud, we know the CDN's & stacks that work best for the city alongside the design principles in convention here. 

Website Hosting in Kolkata

In a situation where you would like to control your hosting & want a simple PHP backed project, we ran some tests to answer, which hosting providers work best for the city users. 

We ran the test common Hosting Provides such as Hostinger, GoDaddy & BlueHost. Every single one with a entry level hosting package, the same WordPress website with images, text, tracking scripts & a YouTube Video Embed. 

Since the entry level shared-hosting plan of these providers does not let us choose any location, we just installed the website and used Lighthouse, to run speed tests on the websites. 

Further, we ran the tests on Desktop Chrome LightHouse, on a high-speed 5G connection. Below is the results of the largest contentful paint, an important metric in SEO. 

We see that GoDaddy provides the slowest speeds for Kolkata, with Hostinger Beating our Indraprastha Web Hosting with a fraction of a second. It must be noted that none of these website had any speed optimizations & were identical. 

Website Development in Kolkata

Kolkata being a major city of the cyber-superpower, India has no dearth of options when it comes to providers for Website Development. The city infact serves as a hub for the entire North-East when it comes to tech solutions. A well oiled network of professionals across a variety of agencies ensures that be it a simple savvy website or a complicated application, your needs are dealt easily. 

Having a local agency or freelancer responsible for your website allows you great control over the design & performace of your website, something that a remote provider or the Do It Yourself providers will not provide. The city, being a patron of arts has good design principles amongst its designer community, which prioritizes great design above all else. 

At Indraprasth Design, we provide experties in WordPress/PHP & Node.JS backed web applications, the latter is a relativey new & fast technology and has limited providers in the city. 

When choosing a development framework & website it is best if you are fimiliar with the basics and especially the technologies used as they impact speed and scalability with your plans. Like everything else, their is no 'best technology' it depends on your needs and having a deatiled conversation about your business goals with the development team is a good way to ensure that the project goals are aligned in your favour. 

In Conclusion

At Indraprastha Design Co, we endeavour to provide digital litracy to entrepreneures and small-businesses. Our goal with this article was to make a case for local talent when choosing a website development team based on the design lingo & additionally the expertise in speed optimization for the region. 

We have also provided you with a break-down of the best hosting providers that deliver the best speeds for your website in the city. Hostinger, provides the best price performance as a 3rd Party Service. However, check out Indraprastha's very own personal hosting and the unique advantages it offers. 
